Careers in Astronomy
A career in astronomy and astrophysics can be a challenging, rewarding experience. Our members across the island of Ireland are engaged in a variety of research and education services, as well as astronomy outreach and public engagement. If you’re interested in advancing a career in astronomy, check out the links below. If you have a job posting you would like us to share here or on social media, contact the communications officers via our contact form. Please note that the sections below contain links to external websites, the content of which ASI is not responsible for.
Current Vacancies
In this section you will find a number of Astronomy/Astrophysics related positions on the island of Ireland that are currently open. If you would like us to add any positions to this page, please send an email to
Academic Careers Listing Websites
- University Vacancies Ireland
- European Astronomical Society Job Directory
- European Southern Observatory Recruitment Portal
- American Astronomical Society Job Register
- UK based academic job listings

Postdoctoral Research Grants
The main source of postdoctoral funding within Ireland is through the Government of Ireland postdoctoral fellowship awards. Applications are due in October of every year.
Unions, Representative Bodies and Advocacy Groups
Astronomers in Ireland can join a number of different bodies which will represent them or advocate on their behalf depending on career stage and employer.
IFUT (Irish Federation of University Teachers): Trade Union which represents Professors, Lecturers and Researchers in a number of universities and research establishments around the country.
TUI (Teachers Union of Ireland): Trade Union which represents Professors, Lecturers and Researchers in the Technological Universities/Institutes of Technology, as well as a variety of 2nd level and Further Education members.
USI (Union of Students in Ireland): Student Representative body which represents undergraduate and postgraduate students and campaigns on their behalf.
IRSA (Irish Research Staff Association): An advocacy group which campaigns on behalf of researchers at a national and international level.
Irish Precarity Network: A campaign group opposed to ongoing short-term contracts and hourly paid work in academia.