McCrea Lecture 2023: Professor Gregg Hallinan
The Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy
The Astronomical Society of Ireland, in conjunction with the Royal Irish Academy, is delighted to welcome Professor Gregg Hallinan from Caltech to deliver the McCrea lecture 2023. Gregg Hallinan will give a talk on ‘The Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy’, followed by a Q&A chaired by Dr Deirdre Coffey, Assistant Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science, University College Dublin.
Gregg will introduce the topic of multi-messenger astronomy, including recent breakthroughs and future promise. He will also introduce one of the key upcoming telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy, the 2000-antenna Deep Synoptic Array (DSA-2000) radio telescope. The DSA-2000 will commence construction next year and will be the world’s most powerful survey radio telescope, with a significant fraction of observing time dedicated to multi-messenger astronomy.

Gregg Hallinan is a Professor of Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Director of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). His group searches for new and variable sources that appear in the radio sky. These include the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events and the magnetospheres of exoplanets. He has led the development of a new generation of radio telescopes, optimized for time domain and multi-messenger science, including the upcoming 2000-antenna Deep Synoptic Array (DSA-2000), which will be the world’s most powerful survey radio telescope. Gregg completed his PhD at the University of Galway and moved to the US as a Jansky Fellow at the University of California Berkeley before joining the faculty at Caltech in 2012. He is a recipient of a Sloan Fellowship and the 2022 New Horizons in Physics Breakthrough Prize.